The main disadvantages of men by the zodiac sign


Each sign of the zodiac has its advantages and disadvantages. To determine the perspectives of love and relationships, you must take into account the dark side of the zodiac signs.

People usually show who they are by actions and words, but the horoscope can show the possible difficulties.

Of course, no one is ideal, so the horoscope of zodiac signs, which can be a warning, is collected. If you pay attention, your relationship may grow a little better.


From the woman's point of view, Aries-Men is full of defects. They are unbridled, selfish, selfish, can be ungrateful and indifferent to the feelings of a partner. Often, intimate relationships, the typical representatives of this sign are manifested by a mad jealousy, even if they can not control themselves.


The bull man looks like an interesting and enthusiastic nature. However, at home, this can be an incredible nuisance, preferring a constant home in front of a television or computer. The partner will have to stop Lazy Bull constantly, the rest being exclusively passive. The complete list of its main drawbacks is stubbornness and reluctance to change something in one's life.


The man whose guide is Gemini is absolutely unpredictable. Even if his companion seems to know everything about him, he will find a way to convince her. Life with the representative of this sign is similar to that of the "roller coaster": he confesses to love, then behaves like an egoist, he speaks today of one thing and refuses tomorrow to pronounce his words. Astrologers add to these frequent vagaries and frivolities.


Male cancers have a variety of irritating qualities in women. The representatives of this brand are undecided, bayazovaty, suspicious and show an increased emotivity. Faced with difficulties, they become confused and can no longer meet without the help of others. A woman close to a typical cancer will have to endure her frequent mood changes and pessimistic attacks.


The main disadvantage of Leo's husband is his bloated arrogance. So there are other negative characteristics of his character: intolerance to the thought of someone else, dictatorial obscenities, arrogance, and so on. He himself will never be able to adapt to anyone, therefore, the woman next to him must have infinite patience and love him sincerely.


A man born under the sign of the Virgin may be either What kind of person must deduce from his own aspirations to perfectionism. He will not miss the opportunity to note the weaknesses of the other, he will discuss it and will propose options for elimination, even if his advice is not solicited. And it's one of the most daring representatives of the zodiacal circle. However, instead of the word "greed", he considers himself that it is better to use other simple synonyms: "economy" and "economy".


Men-Scales has an emotionally unstable nature. They need constant support and approval, although they can not offer the same to their other halves. The representative of the sign of this sign should be ready to assume the role of leader, because the "air" man can not in any case avoid any responsibility. Among the gaps, astrologers also report narcissism and low resistance to stress.


Each typical representative of this sign is the owner of cockroaches at the head. Sometimes it seems that the simple Scorpion simply does not exist. If we focus on their main disadvantages, we can only say the desire for total control and frequent psychological manipulation. In addition, spiritually undeveloped representatives of the water element are ruthless, jealous and vindictive.


An inability to keep one's word considered an essential disadvantage of the behavior of a man born under the sign of Sagittarius. He easily makes promises that he does not even intend to do. He is also characterized by his inattention and his frivolous attitude towards important things for the partner. For example, he does not remember key dates and forgets to buy a gift, but he does not feel guilty at the same time in his heart. He focuses on small things and does not get discouraged for this reason from his mate. Representatives of this sign are a danger because they can use the closest people without fear to achieve their goals.


A man-Aquarius can not devote himself entirely to romantic feelings and to couple. Selfish and cautious, he has the ability to manipulate the conscience of the people entrusted to him. A typical Aquarius is also extremely simple in his statements. His words beat in the weakest place, but he can not excuse himself.


Fishmen love to decorate and hang "macaroni" in their ears for their own entertainment. His apprentice must get used to splitting in two all the words of his beloved. Among the disadvantages of the representatives of this sign, astrologers distinguish reluctance to assume responsibility and dependence on public opinion. The fish themselves can manipulate others, but most often they act like the ones that are handled.

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