The main engineer Tesla left the company / News /


The main engineer of the American automaker Tesla left the company

The Wall Street Journal

See also: Tesla set a record for a weekly release of car

According to her, Doug Field, vice president of engineering, will not return from his long vacation, which he left in early May this year.

As expected, he had to return to work in six weeks, but that was the case and did not happen, sources said.

It is noted that Tesla They told the newspaper that Field was no longer an employee of the company, and after five years of work, she was ready to "move on". The field release was one of the biggest losses in the Tesla management team over the past two years,

Field had been working at Tesla since 2003 and, being a prime engineer plan, was responsible for the production of electric vehicles. According to the newspaper, it was he who was able to simplify the technical design of the Model 3 machine, thus achieving a reduction in the cost of its assembly, thus reducing the final cost.

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