The many ways to leave the White House


The question of whether Stephen K. Bannon, the former chief strategist of the White House, had been fired or resigned was so complicated that the only definite conclusion was that he was "absent" . It was first described as an "agreed upon" agreement. ending between Mr. Kelly and Mr. Bannon. But Mr. Bannon reacted more successfully than others, saying he had submitted a letter of resignation two weeks before the announcement of his departure.

Normally, Mr. Trump does not get fired. The president asked his former body, Keith Schiller, to deliver a letter to James B. Comey, then to F.B.I. director, warning him of his dismissal. Rex W. Tillerson, the former Secretary of State, had initially warned Mr. Kelly that his time was up.

In a [Twitter message that finally made the final decision Mr. Trump thanked. Mr. Tillerson for his service. But after Tillerson called the president "undisciplined", Trump stepped up his pressure. "He was silly like a rock and I could not get rid of him fast enough," Mr. Trump tweeted . "He was lazy like a devil."

Sometimes Mr. Trump just seems to want to make sure everyone knows who is in charge.

million. Priebus thought that he would have a week to fix his problems before the official announcement of his departure. But Mr Trump surprised him by tweeting the news.

When Mr. Trump and his next chief of staff, Mr. Kelly, developed a plan of departure at the end of last year, Mr. Kelly was planning to advertise at an executive dinner to the White House. But the president thwarted the plans and announced the news by telling reporters that Kelly would leave at the end of December.

In Mr. Sims' case, his associates tried for days to persuade Mr. Trump not to give more fuel to the fire by commenting on the book and raising it. But the president instead chose to follow a familiar game book.

"A junior staff member whom I hardly knew, named Cliff Sims, wrote another boring book based on invented stories and fiction", which he tweeted on Tuesday morning . "He claimed to be an insider when he was actually a gofer. He signed a confidentiality agreement. It's a mess! "

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