The Milky Way will collide with the neighboring galaxy in 2.5 billion years


The collision will be devastating, but it will not come soon.

  The Milky Way will necessarily meet a neighboring galaxy / ESA / Hubble & NASA photo

The Milky Way will necessarily meet its neighbors galaxy / photo ESA / Hubble & NASA

It seems that the lean budgets of the family after the New Year and news about the approach of a new nuclear race are enough to spoil the festive atmosphere of early 2019.

But astronomers threw firewood on fire and have announced that the adjacent galaxy would necessarily be in the Milky Way, after which our solar system would end up in the space hole, writes The Guardian.

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A scandalous discovery was made on the basis of a computer simulation of the motion of a dwarf galaxy called the Great Magellanic Cloud. It is one of the many satellites in the galaxy that revolve around the Milky Way. In fact, instead of moving into orbit at a safe distance or moving away from the gravitational field of our galaxy, the Great Magellanic Cloud is destined to crash into it.

It is currently at a distance of about 163,000 light-years from our galaxy. She was moving at a speed of 400 kilometers per second deep in the universe. But the simulation of astrophysicists at Durham University revealed that the Great Magellanic Cloud had slowed down and turned to the Milky Way. The collision of galaxies will take place after about 2.5 billion years.

Although the gravity of the collision between stars and planets is small, the impact of a galaxy whose mass exceeds 250 billion times the destruction will be destructive.

"The entire Milky Way is thrilled, the entire solar system can fly into open spaces," said director of the Institute of Computer Astronomy, Carlos Frank.

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"If this really happens, I do not see the opportunities for we dviv will survive this "- he added

In turn Mariusz scientist Kautun calculated that the probability that the solar system after lie Milky Way collision is too small .. According to his calculations, the chances that this will happen will not exceed 1 to 3%.

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