The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to Russia's statement on observers – information on UNN


KYIV. January 23, UNN. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine officially informed the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE that it would not accept not the requests of holders of Russian passports that could be registered by official observers of foreign states or international organizations. [196459002] "Ukraine is committed to complying with its obligations under the OSCE, especially in accordance with the 1990 Copenhagen Document and the 1999 Istanbul Document. , to invite international observers to: observe the conduct of elections to the extent permitted by law, "the ministry said.

According to diplomats, in the context of the forthcoming presidential elections scheduled for March 31, 2019, the Foreign Ministry had invited the group to participate in the observation. for the OSCE / ODIHR elections on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin

"In accordance with Article 70 of the Ukrainian Law" on the election of the President of Ukraine ", proposals for the registration of official observers of foreign states and international organizations are directly submitted to the Central Electoral Commission or through the Ministry Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, which officially informed OSCE-ODIHR that it would not accept applications for registration from Russian passport holders states states or international organizations ", – stressed the diplomacy.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such a position is specified by the fact that, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, "of 15 April 2014, regarding the respect of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the regime on the territory temporarily occupied by Ukraine "No. 1207-VII and" On the peculiarities of state policy to ensure the sovereignty of Ukraine over the territories temporarily occupied in the oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk "of January 8, 2018, No. 2268-VIII, the RF is legally recognized by the invading state which is also confirmed in a number of documents approved by the General Assembly of the Nations United Nations and other international organizations.

"It is also necessary to take into account the absence of peremptory norms of international law or the obligation to invite all, without exception, the participating States of the OSCE to observe elections, "added the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Remember that the Russian Foreign Ministry had declared that Russia was planning to send its observers to elections in Ukraine, but feared provocations.

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