The network is surprised, Volochkova and Vdovin


On the eve of the New Year, Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova revealed a secret that has been kept for a while. The dancer showed her darling person.

To the surprise of the fans, he was the ex-husband Volochkova and the father of his daughter, Ariane businessman, Igor Vdovin. The photo of him was published by the dancer on his Instagram account page.

"Most importantly, the neighbors are: my daughter and my beloved husband.Your year has gone from riddles with whom I live and how.In search of my husband your pants, your watches, your belt and your hands, you wrote that Arisha was gone and that I did not do anything fast because I am always close to my beloved, and they are with me, "wrote Volochkova in his wishes for the New Year.

The network reacted ambivalently to new ballerina lovers. Some sincerely welcomed the family reunion.