The New Earth archipelago has established an emergency state during the bear invasion – Environmental News


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Animals attack people.

  Illustration / REUTERS

Illustration / REUTERS

The archipelago of Nova Zemlya (Arkhangelsk region, Russia) created an emergency situation due to the enormous mass of polar bears on the territory of the colonies. People are scared because wild animals are aggressive and aggressive. They also enter the living rooms

According to the press service of the region, in the area of ​​the village of Balushye Guba 52 It is probably believed that the animals were attracted to the food of the animals that were at their location. residence because they were starving.

Read also The last animal of the Argentine zoo is dead, that is to say the polar bear

. five animals do not leave the garrison, literally chasing people and even entering through the entrances of residential buildings ", – said the head of the Novaya Zemlya Zhiganshi Musina administration, reports Meduza.

The Federal Service of Supervision in the field of natural resources has banned the bear hunt, since they are not Seni in the red book and sent a working group to solve the problem.

There n? There are currently no casualties, but people are still worried about life.

The administration noted that the animals felt safe and did not react to cars or to noise the signals they are trying to hunt, and they also note that there was no such massive animal invasion in the archipelago.

On the city's district website, they published a memoir on how to behave in the presence of a polar bear L & # 39;. Use of & # 39; n & # 39 weapons; is allowed only in extreme cases.

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