The Orthodox Church of the Czech Republic and Slovakia does not recognize the CCP and regards the epiphany as an "impostor" – ROC – Actualité politique


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The Metropolitan has arrived in the Russian Orthodox Church to defend the status of leader of the former UOC member Onuphri.

  The Orthodox Church of the Czech Republic and Slovakia did not recognize the status of PTSU / UNIAN

The Orthodox Church of the Czech Republic and Slovakia does not recognize the PCCU / UNIAN

The Orthodox Church of Russia Rostislav believes that only the leader of the former UOC deputy, Onufriy, is the primate of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. and "has existed for centuries".

Read also In the MP-UOC, made a clear statement after the extraordinary meeting of the Synod (video)

This is reported by the press service of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) . "In fact, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has existed for centuries – since the time of the Volodymyr and Princess Olga, equal to the apostles, since the day of baptism in the Dnieper, and that She has a primate – Her metropolitan Beatitude of Kiev and all over Ukraine Onufriy "- she conveys the words of the metropolitan.

In this case, he called "the suitor" and called my to help "overcome this temptation" in the life of the church

It is reported that he arrived on the territory of the Russian Orthodox Church to support the "canonical status of Onuphrius and all the church led by him."

According to UNIAN, February 3 at the Cathedral of the Holy See. Sophia during the divine liturgy, the induction ceremony of the head of the local Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Epiphany, is held in Ukraine.

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