The owners of the iPhone XS complain of constant breakdowns: scattered in the hands


Apple obviously has problems with iPhone Xs Xs and Max. The LTE works badly, then there are blurry OLED screens, and then the body cracks. However, it was almost all of the iPhone after its release. However, this time there was a very big problem that could not be corrected by the update of the operating system.

On the official support forum of the company in 4 hours, more than 260 complaints and 700 likes appeared because of the fragile main camera of the iPhone X On the protective glass, cracks occur and occasionally. And we do not know where they appear. Of course, this affects the quality of the photo, but it is very expensive to notice it on the camera of the iPhone

The owners, with one voice, argue that this is n & rsquo; Was not due to their fault. They did not beat and drove the iPhone. Someone has a problem right out of the box. Apple has not yet commented on the situation and service centers are only offering a $ 499 paying replacement. It should be noted that the XR budget is on sale for $ 750.

Remember that the Android system has detected another vulnerability that can be exploited by malicious people. It is reported that even when you open an image on the network, you can infect your smartphone with viruses that can steal your data up to the details of a credit card.

Previously, Knowledge.u reported that Gmail's popular email service had learned to remove virtually all information. This kind of letters are dangerous because they can have a built-in virus, so that the service is able, in almost 100% of the cases, to detect this malicious email and to inform the owner of the mailbox. letters.

Know that Apple returns to the legendary iPhone X counter In addition, the device is now much cheaper: $ 760 for a basic version of 64 GB of memory. Apparently, the company wants to improve its financial situation in early 2019.

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