The precondition for this can only be Russia's decision to end the war


The OSCE Special Representative to the Trilateral Contact Group on the Situation in East of Ukraine, Martin Saydik, did not propose an alternative to the agreements from Minsk, but only made certain ideas for their implementation.

This is in an interview granted to the television channel Direct ] said the US State Department Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker [19659003] "I would say that this proposal or concept fits into the framework of the implementation of the Minsk agreements.We have these agreements, and they are important because they were established cease fire, they are This is the suppression of heavy weapons, the withdrawal of foreign troops, illegal armed formations, the restoration of the border between Ukraine and Russia, very important points, and we would not want to lose them by eliminating the Minsk treaties, which laid down the key principles, but the problem was that these agreements were not fully implemented, as Russia had never adhered to a complete cease-fire. full of heavy weapons. Russian s are still in the east of Ukraine, Russia continues to fund illegal formations and provide them with weapons. They support the existence of two so-called republics. The Minsk agreements are good on paper, but they have not been realized. So the question arises – how to do it. If Russia really wants peace and really wants to improve the lives of the people of Donbass, she will have to accept a peacekeeping operation. And this would pave the way for the UN and peacekeepers to ensure peace and security in the region. And that means the withdrawal of the Russian army and the dismantling of the republics. It would create a certain base. And if that is done, then the OSCE will be necessary, "he said.

According to Volcker, Martin Saidyk demonstrates that it is possible to resist certain ideas.

" But a precondition for this can not be Russia's decision to end the war, establish peace and finally adopt a United Nations peacekeeping mission to create a peaceful environment and on. And it is only when these points are implemented that all other things will make sense, "he said.

Volker stressed that he considered Saidike's proposal as a platform for implementation.

"Yes, it is an incarnation, not a substitute" of Minsk "Admittedly, the Minsk agreements exist and it is important that they be applied. If I understand correctly, it is not a question of replacing them, but of finding ways of applying them, "he added.

Remember that the political scientist Taras Chornovil called the idea of ​​a plan of peace to settle the conflict in Donbass, proposed by a special representative of the Acting President OSCE in Ukraine and in the Tripartite Contact Group in Minsk, by Martin Saydik, Acting President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. 19659004] Convocator of the Ukrainian people VI, the political scientist Viktor Ukolov declared that the projects of Martin Saidik and Medvedchuk in the occupied region of Donbass could be coordinated with the Kremlin.

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