The probe fixes a new exoplanet: like an apple


The space shuttle TESS was able to open a new exoplanet HD21749b, located in the constellation of the network, in the system of the big red dwarf. As the astronomers report, the exoplanet makes a complete turn of its star in 36 days. Its mass corresponds to 23.2 masses of the Earth and its radius to 2.84 radius of the Earth, report the waves.

Researchers led by Professor Diana Dragomir, studied photos taken at TESS from July 25 to October 14, 2018, suggesting that exoplanets have a dense atmosphere. And on its surface, it is likely that there is water in liquid form.

Astronomers have also suggested that, in addition to super-jupiter, mini-neptunum and super-land, there is another class of exoplanets in the universe. They look like an eye.

Another name for such an astronomical phenomenon is "synchronous rotation". This means that in the orbit of one object, there is another, whose rotation period coincides with the orbital cycle around its axis. Due to such mutual movement, the satellite will always face the central object with only one side. The most obvious example is that of our own satellite, the Moon.

Note that the exoplanet is a planet outside the solar system. The total number of exoplanets in the Milky Way galaxy is currently estimated at at least 100 billion, of which 5 to 20 billion could be "earthy".

The planet being much lighter than the stars and emitting less light, open it a lot and very hard By the end of the 80's, several observation techniques had reached the required precision and the exoplanets began to take place. Open in the early 90s.

The most common type of planet is that of planets or super-lands. It is a planet that exceeds the Earth in weight by about 5 to 10 times. They can have a different composition, can be stone, they can have thick gas tanks.

It turns out that they are very numerous. There is nothing in the solar system. It is difficult to build models of such planets, but they are already well known. You can measure their properties.

Recall, the NASA TESS satellite has already found the third exoplanet, the longest of which is in orbit. Calculations show that the new planet is dense, gas and is three times larger than planet Earth.

As indicated by the portal "Know.u", astronomers have been able to note the presence of water in the atmosphere of an exoplanet that revolves around the star HR 8799 helped by data collected by the Kek Observatory.

Also, "" writes, the national aerospace agency declassified the terms of the beginning of the colonization of Mars. In particular, the department noted that the specially designed device would already be on the surface of the "red" planet on November 26.

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