The ROC commented on the enthronement of the epiphany – news from the UNN


KYIV. February 3rd. UNN. The low number of visitors at the throne-building ceremony of the leader of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphany says that local Orthodox churches around the world have not supported the decision to Constantinople to establish it. The press officer of the Patriarch of Moscow Cyril, priest Alexander Volkov, reports UNN with reference to TASS.

"The horrible show". The Patriarchate of Constantinople remains alone with his clone "dolly lamb". After the celebrations, which took place in Moscow (on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Patriarch Kirill's reign), this loneliness is perceived in an absolutely unequivocal way: no one in the world should separate from the 39, Orthodoxy, "said Volkov.

Reminder in the Metropolitan Cathedral of St. Sophia at the ceremony of the intron the constitution of the leader of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the Metropolitan Epiphany, was made on the throne.

According to the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, a major problem of state-building in Ukraine has already been resolved, since the newly elected president of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (CPU) Epiphanius fell. is open to all parishioners and clergy who wish to join it.

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