The seizure by Russia of Ukrainian seamen: what Ukraine has reached an important milestone


Ukraine is suing the European Court of Human Rights against the violation of the rights of Ukrainian sailors, which the Kremlin captured after pounding Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait.

The Deputy Minister of Justice, ECLL, Commissioner Ivan Lishinchin, made the announcement on the Facebook page.

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According to him, the Ukrainian Government complied with the instructions of the Court and filed on January 7 a complete statement in the Case No. 55855/18.

"Government" vima The Court recognized the fact that the Russian Federation had violated the rights of 24 Ukrainian sailors during an unlawful attack against Ukrainian vessels, injuries and the seizure of seamen in the Strait of Kerch on November 25, 2018, as well as their illegal detention in the penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation and their prosecution, "said Leshchina.

The deputy minister also pointed out that Russia, by perpetrating its aggression against Ukraine, had violated Articles 2, 3, 5, 6 and 38 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

We add that the aforementioned articles In particular, the right to life , the prohibition of torture, the right to liberty and security of the person, the right to a fair trial.

 Leschina, Ministry of Justice, ECHR, human rights. man, court, Russia, Ukraine [19659009] Reminder, on January 1, Ivan Lyshchin announced that the Ministry of Justice had already sent a set of documents relating to human rights to the European Court of Human Rights in Crimea Russia illegally annexed </p>
<p class= What do we know about the Kremlin aggression near the Kerch Strait? On November 25, the border ship of Kerch Strait Russia protar tug in Ukrainian military sea. It is known that two small Ukrainian armored artillery boats and their raids took place according to the prescribed norms, from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol. However, Russia has stated that Ukrainian warships illegally entered the waters of the temporarily closed territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation and continued to move towards the Kerch Strait.

Subsequently, a group of Ukrainian ships continued their journey to Mariupol. However, during the withdrawal from the Kerch Strait, Russian border ships opened fire on Ukrainian ships, injuring six Ukrainian soldiers. Russia also captured two Ukrainian ships and 24 Ukrainian sailors, who were later arrested in occupied Crimea and taken to SIZO Moscow.

Ukraine then introduced a military state in the 10 regions until December 26th. In addition, on November 30, Ukraine banned the entry into its territory of Russian citizens aged 16 to 60 years.

Russia is no longer the first month of the world to block foreign ships going to the Ukrainian ports of the Azov Sea. As a result, the Ukrainian economy suffers considerable losses.

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