The singer Shura spoke about the beginning of a career – Russians – a singer


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Singer Shura sometimes sang in Moscow institutions for a plate of soup

Once, the popular Russian singer Shura admitted that at the beginning of his career, when he passed from Novosibirsk to Moscow, spent the night at the bench in the botanical garden and lived on Leninsky's perspective with the prostitute.

According to an odious artist, in the early 1990s, Tanya's "prostitute Tanya" was frequented. by the way, my first home in Moscow After the botanical garden, I was also on Leninsky Prospekt and I lived there with Tanya prostitute, and at that moment I started to sing in a restaurant for a soup, and I took it with me, "quotes Alexander Medvedev (The real name of the singer is the Russian edition of" Sobsiednik ".

  lived with the prostitute and sang for food: the Russian singer made an explicit confession "data-src =" / static / ckef / img / shuramedvedev_34586044_338299966701928_8584655682056224768_n.jpg "class =" lazy [19659008] Shura (photo: </em> [196659005]  Besides, the singer admitted that Tanya often drove away for a long time, We were worried about feeding his dog.At the same time, he did not even have enough food himself. </p>
<p>  "I remember, as I thought: it's better to eat carrots or feed the dog itself? "- Medv edev says </p>
<p style=  lived with a prostitute and sang for food: the Russian singer made an explicit confession "data-src =" / static / ckef / img / shuramedvedev_33028820_2077463025614944_2211062779027128320_n.jpg "class =" lazy

Shura (photo: instagram. com / shuramedvedev)

  Aliyev lived with a prostitute and sang for food: the Russian singer made a simple confession "data-src =" / static / ckef / img / shuramedvedev_31748702_1342853272518596_1154331258902282240_n.jpg "class = "lazy"

Shura (photo: [196659005] Recall that the peak of Shura peaked in the late 1990s. It gained popularity at the expense of the eclectic way of performance and performance. Appearance – the characteristic of the performer for a while was the lack of front teeth. His songs "Hurried summer rains", "Good works", "The cold moon" and others became the subject of many parodies.

Earlier, Styler wrote that Shura had lost an apartment for $ 100,000 and became homeless.

Video: RBC-Ukraine


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