The soloist of the group "Night Snipers" Diana Arbenin was hospitalized urgently in France


The singer Diana Arbenina, who heads the Russian sniper group, was hospitalized urgently in France. Doctors suspect that the star has had a heart attack.

About the hospitalization of Diana Arbenina narrated on her page of Instagram. At first, fans thought she had hurt herself while relaxing in a ski resort, but later, information about a heart attack appeared. The state of health of the singer has been removed.

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Representatives of Diana Arbenina confirmed information about a heart attack. According to them, the artist would have fallen sick on January 17 during his rest in France. In the afternoon, Diana Arbenina complained of chest pains and in the evening she asked for help to the doctors. The heart attack lasted 16 hours. For the moment, the life of the Russian artist threatens nothing.

The attack lasted 16 hours. Until now, doctors can not completely relieve their pain, although the state of the artist has fortunately stabilized. There is no threat of life,
– said the director of public relations of the singer, Maria Kokel.

Currently, doctors continue to diagnose. Diana Arbenina is still in a French clinic. Until now, the abolition of the group's performance "Night Snipers" is not an issue. However, in the network a lot of fans of the singer are interested in this issue.

Diana Arbenina and Ukraine In 2012-2013, Diana Arbenina participated in the Ukrainian entertainment project. The actress was a featured trainer of the show Voice of the Country. In July 2014, Diana Arbenina and the group "Night Snipers" spoke in Kiev. Since the scene, the artist has apologized to the Ukrainian for his colleagues who have supported the aggression policy of the Russian Federation. After that, the star canceled the tour in Russia and flatly refused to perform in Crimea. However, in June 2015, Arbenina broke his statements, appearing on the scene of the occupied peninsula.

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