The spy who threw me: the plot and the movie trailer, in which two Ukrainian women played


American comedy directed by Suzanne Vogel "The Spy Who Me Dumped" brought together two actresses of Ukrainian origin, Millu Kunis and Ivan Sakhno, on a stage.

Lionsgate Films' premiere production in Ukraine will take place on August 9, 2018. The new film has garnered a great actor composition starring stars such as Millu Kunis and Kate McKinon in the lead roles, Ivanna Sakhno of 20 years in the secondary role, Sam Hugen, Justin Tero, Gillian Anderson and others.

See also: Mila Kunis hit by cattle and a spectacular look on the red carpet

The movie "The spy who threw me" tells two friends from Los Angeles, Audrey (Mila Kunis ) and Morgan (Kate McKinnon) who end up on the "hook" of ex boyfriend Audrey In the end, he was a special US intelligence officer and during his time he won a lot of enemies . That's why the two girls are waiting for many ambushes, running across Europe and pulling them.

The spy who threw me: Watch the trailer online

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