The sun will turn into a crystalline sphere after 10 billion years – Astronomers


The white dwarf billiards of our galaxy are almost completely transformed into crystalline spheres.

<img alt = "Astronomers have predicted the development of Sun-like stars / NASA / SDO" src = " Astronomers have predicted the development of Stars similar to the Sun / NASA / SDO

Stars of medium size similar to the Sun., complete their evolution in the form of gray white dwarfs, dense and extinct.The density of such celestial bodies exceeds millions of times the density

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According to Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay and his colleagues at the University of Warwick, Pierre-Emmanuel Tremblay published in the journal Nature

Scientists have examined the hypothesis that the continuous reduction of temperature after the cessation of fusion reactions in the dense nucleus of white dwarfs can cause crystallization of carbon atoms and oxygen. its place with the release of energy and can warm up the old star, thus slowing down aging

Astronomers observed observing more than 15,000 white dwarfs spotted by the European Gaia space telescope at a maximum distance of 300 years -Light of the Sun

From the European Space Telescope Gaia. With regard to the color and brightness of the stars, the authors established their temperature and age, and then compared their distribution with the predictions of the theoretical models. The study confirmed the surplus of relatively young white dwarfs – according to astronomers, some aging stars have slowed down for 2 billion years. Their crystallization energy feeds.

The nuclei of white dwarfs contain mostly carbon, oxygen and other "metals". Under the effect of enormous pressure, their atoms lose external electrons and compress themselves into an extremely dense and positively charged fluid. As soon as the temperature in the core of such a star decreases to a certain level (about 10 million ° C), the liquid begins to crystallize.

"All white dwarfs crystallize at a certain stage of their evolution," notes Tremblay. "This means that billions of white dwarves in our galaxy have already completed this process and are almost completely transformed into crystalline spheres.It is the Sun that will become a crystalline white dwarf in 10 billion years." 19659007] A little earlier, scientists from the NASA space agency had discovered the "super-Earth", twice that of our planet Earth. The researchers suspect that there may be life.

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