The Supreme Court temporarily blocks the law of abortion clinics in Louisiana


The Supreme Court temporarily maintains a Louisiana law governing abortion clinics. Judge Samuel Alito said Friday in a brief order that judges needed more time to consider the arguments for and against the law, which would force doctors in abortion clinics to have the privileges of having sex with them. admission to a nearby hospital.

The law, originally enacted in 2014, was to come into effect on Monday, but clinics have asked the High Court to block the law enforcement. close if the law is allowed to take effect.

A judge of the Louisiana District Court of Justice quashed the law in 2017, but it was upheld by a federal court of appeal in September. The court of appeal said that it was not easy to close a dispensary.

The Supreme Court overturned a similar law in Texas in 2016, with Justice Anthony Kennedy ruling by majority in decision 5-3. Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a conservative lawyer who, according to many Republicans, will help tilt the court to the right, has since replaced Kennedy.

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