The two Russian military frigates installed equipment to blind their opponents


One of the frigates on which such equipment was installed is called "Admiral of the Navy of the Soviet Gorchkov Union"

. The Russian frigates "Admiral of the Navy of the Soviet Union Gorchkov" and "Admiral of the Navy" appeared optical obstacles "Thread", reported the 39th. Russian news agency TASS, referring to the press service of "Roselectronics". Two sets of "Filina" were installed on each of these Russian warships.

This equipment is capable of removing optical and optoelectronic visual observation channels at night and at dusk. In addition, Filin stations will provide the function of eliminating the melee weapon, which is directed against surface ships and ships of the Russian Navy.

"Affin" works because of the radiation that can suppress night vision devices, infrared laser rangefinders, guidance systems The anti-tank guided missiles ", – explained in the company" Rostech "

In addition, "Filin" causes temporary eye disorders.

"Volunteers tested the effects of the station" Filin "and said: if the equipment is located behind not two kilometers, it becomes impossible to target a target shooting. In addition, nearly half of them complained of nausea, dizziness and a lost orientation in the space. Another part of the volunteers felt the effect of a spot of light that sparkles before the eyes and leads to a blindness, "says the message.

The same equipment plans to build two other frigates, whose construction is in

The warship "Admiral of the Navy Cassatons" was built on the shipyard "Northern Shipyard" in St. Petersburg and the frigate landed for the first time at sea on 21 December 2018 for the first phase. factory trials.This warship is expected to be transferred to the Russian Navy by the end of 2019.

The frigate "Admiral of the Navy of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" was built in the same factory. the first time, he entered the sea on October 29, 2010 and became part of Russia's northern fleet in 2018

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