The Ukrainian comedy "Me, you, him, her" broke the record of cinema sales during all the years of independence


Kinorik started successfully for Ukraine.

A record in movie sales for all the years of independence – such achievements of the romantic comedy "me, you, him, her" from studio 95. In the three weeks of the show in the cinemas, the band was seen by nearly 700,000 people and cashing from the rental exceeded 60 million UAH This is a record among all national films.

"This war movie for Ukraine started with great success – from the record!" This proves once again that the Ukrainian viewer wants to see the national cinema on the big screen and is ready to choose it from all over the world. repertoire ", – said President Derzhkino Philip Illenko.

The story of the film "Me, you, him, her" tells a couple, who after 10 years together, decided to divorce. However, the judge gives the couple a month to meditate. A husband and his wife are now deciding to offer everything that they have refused for years of marriage.

In Ukrainian cinemas, the film can be viewed by the end of January. In addition, the comedy is already shown in Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Latvia, and Estonians will see it from January 18th.
Recall, the previous record in Ukrainian rental has established the Daredevil comedy wedding. By the end of 2018, this gang had collected nearly 55 million UAH in cinemas. Watch the film on our website under the link .

READ ALSO: The most popular Ukrainian comedy will be shown in Australia


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