The underwater treasure of Hitler was found on the seabed: a beautiful photo


During the Second World War, a German submarine found Turkish naval forces at the bottom of the Black Sea near the Turkish coast. Local mass media reported that this

U-23 submarine was discovered by chance while shooting a documentary on TRT television, sponsored by the Navy of the Republic. The Turkish search and rescue boat Akin found a submarine 3 km from the village of Agwa, at a depth of 40 m, as well as two torpedo ships.

It should be noted that the Nazis deployed submarines in the Black Sea as part of the Barbarossa Plan, but that Turkey has closed its sheaths for warships in accordance with the Montreux Convention. (U-19, U-20 and U-23), which at that time were essentially locked up in the Black Sea. The Turkish side, however, refused to do so

The German government ordered submarine crews to sink submarines and land on land in Turkey. Nazi sailors were detained in the city of Beysehir for a year and a half

A little earlier, it was reported that scientists from the University of Watwatersrand had conducted a long study on the territory of the reserve of Sukkurborsrand in South Africa. they took advantage of the chef to discover what lies beneath the ground. Previously, this had helped to establish that the ancient city of Maya Tikal was more complicated than previously thought.

Remember that archaeologists had discovered an old workshop of fragile products. During the Sun Dynasty, China managed to overcome civil strife and make a big leap forward in cultural development.

As stated, Know. ua, scientists are trying to unravel the mysterious code of a triangle on ancient basalt vessels. Artifacts sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Know. ua wrote that archaeologists have discovered a tasty discovery. The discovery has been preserved in the medieval Austrian castle.

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