The United States pledges firm response to two companies through North Stream 2


US authorities once again reminded participants of the construction of North Stream-2. Washington therefore promises sanctions to Allseas and Saipem if they do not withdraw from the Russian project.

The German newspaper Handelsblatt refers to the sources.

Read also: North Stream 2 Kills Ukraine – The Polish Foreign Minister

Yes, Allseas intends to throw 90% of the North Stream- 2 "on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and Saipem has already built its share.

The publication points out that sanctions against a Swiss company can seriously damage the construction of the gas pipeline and the company itself. there is currently no information on the sanctions against the Italian company Saipem

The German government hopes that the United States will abandon its plans to introduce restrictions on the company. Allseas, because US oil and gas projects, especially the Gulf of Mexico, will also be affected in this case.

Remind the construction of the US pipeline sentenced more than one year ago. So, the American ambassador to Germany, Ri Grenell, urged the German government to stop supporting North Stream-2. The pipeline will allow the Kremlin to receive huge sums which will then be directed towards the aggression and destabilization of the situation.

In addition, on December 19 in the Senate, the United States presented to the Senate a draft resolution calling on President Donald Trump to resist the aggression of the Russian Federation at sea and to remain in power. oppose the construction of the Nord Stream pipeline. -2 ".

What is" Nord Stream 2 "? This is a main gas pipeline project connecting Russia to Germany, which wants to cross the Baltic Sea bypassing Ukraine. Germany, Finland and Sweden have issued all permits for the construction and operation of the North Stream 2 pipeline. Poland, Baltic States , Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, the United States and Denmark opposed the construction of the gas pipeline, the emergence of this pipeline will increase the EU's dependence on Russian company Gazprom, which already supplies about a third of its gas to the EU.After the launch of North Stream 2, Ukraine will lose not only the revenues of the blue oil transit, but also the leverage. geopolitical influence.

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