The United States took a difficult step towards Maduro


The United States is confident that the time of talks with the overthrown Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has been announced.

The United States Special Representative in Venezuela, Elliott Abram, said in a comment to US journalists.

"The time of the dialogue with Maduro is long gone". – said Abrams, condemning the meeting of the contact group between Uruguay and Mexico in Venezuela and excluding its participation in the United States.

  Nicholas Maduro

Nicholas Maduro

Abrams expressed his belief that Maduro will continue to delay negotiations and will try to manipulate all possible means. and them. He also called on the international community to recognize the new president, Juan Guadio, leader of the opposition.

According to him, the United States will also impose visa restrictions on members of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela, who support the Maduro regime.


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