The White House roasted for misspelling "United States & # 39; on Twitter


Oops? The official Twitter account of the White House misspelled "United States" on Friday, July 27.

A tweet posted at 11:55 pm ET includes an official statement by President Donald Trump on the state of the economy in the country: "If economic growth continues at this rate, the US economy will double more than 10 years faster than under President Bush or President Obama.

The message remained on the White House page for nearly five hours before being deleted around 3:30 pm However, the blunder did not go unnoticed by other Twitter users [19659005] Celebs Fight Back on Social Media

"I do not know why anyone would believe it when The @WhiteHouse can not spell correctly anymore" United States & # 39; "One person tweeted.Another wrote:" Congratulations to all that the United States is … "

A third user commented that this is not the first time that the House White and Trump, 72, have tweeted tweets. "This administration can not even spell" United States "properly. If they can not get the right things, how can we expect that they get the right things? ", Criticized one criticism Another shot," Obama also knew how to spell the United States. "

The White House previously mis-spelled the word "separation" as "separation" in an executive order that the president signed in June to end his controversial policy that separated families at the border amé Ricano-Mexican The White House also misspelled the name of British Prime Minister Theresa May as "Teresa" three times in a memo detailing Trump's daily schedule in January.

The ancient biggest mistake of the host Celebrity Apprentice came in May when he falsely sent back to his wife , Melania Trump as "Melanie" in a tweet to greet her hospital home after she underwent a kidney procedure. He corrected the errors a few minutes later, but screenshots continue …

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