There is no strength to support it, the soloist of the group KAZKA reacted with emotion to the critics of the enemies


The Ukrainian group KAZKA is eager to prove itself. Its popularity can undoubtedly be described as a record. The team has therefore decided to try its luck in the national elections at Eurovision-2019.

However, preparing for a big show is not easy. After the presentation of the song "Apart", the team was faced with many criticism of the network. At first, musicians' fans argued that artists already had a star disease because they did not allow the publication of the composition faster than expected. Subsequently, the soloist KAZKA group criticized the song and the song was called dull.

Read also: The musicians of KAZKA admit that they fear the most the national election at Eurovision-2019

Alexander Zaritskaya reacted with emotion to such acute criticism. The singer of the group KAZKA declared that he could no longer tolerate the attacks of enemies.

"There is no strength to endure more emotions KAZKA – for fairness, for fair play, I am not a robot, but a living person. do not know how I will sing the day of the competition, what emotions we will present to the spectators and whether we will choose to represent Ukraine in Israel, I only know that, despite everything, I will remain an honest and open man ", said the singer.

Alexander Zaritsk adds that he does not know how to quarrel and resist such attacks. However, she considers her performance at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2019 to be a very important step, as she seeks to help people believe in pure love because of her song "Apart".

I do not know how to argue, to lie convincingly and to make sensations with other names. I am not a wrestler in social networks! I just believe with all my heart that with this song, I can at least inspire people who believe in true love,
– added Alexander Zaritskaya.

By the way, the group KAZKA presented on the first day of February its song "Apart". It is with this composition that the artists will compete for the opportunity to present Ukraine at Eurovision-2019. Before the premiere, the team aroused the curiosity of the Ukrainians and delayed the presentation, so this wait may have upset the users of the network.

Listen to the new KAZKA song "Apart": audio

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