These immigrants became US citizens in Trump's time


The emotionally charged ceremonies, which usually occur in the days before and after Independence Day, mark the end of long journeys and the fulfillment of dreams.

They also coincide with President Donald Trump's largely condemned policy of separating families at the border.

Yet new citizens rose to sing the national anthem. They read aloud the oath of allegiance, printed on a small white card in their citizenship packages. And 140 words later, they were naturalized citizens.

Anika Rieper, 44 (Germany) – Pennsylvania

  Anika Rieper

I would like to share my story of becoming an American citizen, but I must warn you, it is a rather boring story. I fell in love with an American and I moved here. Finally, we got married and I live in the United States for almost 16 years. I could have applied for citizenship many years ago but as my country of origin does not allow dual nationality that with special permission, I do not have started the process until three years ago.

I feel very American but I am also German. I am a German – how German Americans are called or call themselves. I officially wanted to be part of America that I call my home.

Being an American citizen means to me that I can make my voice heard by voting. This is the practical level. On an emotional level, it means that I am fully committed to this country and its people.

I think that in immigration we must remember that the United States had almost open borders until 1924. Many people will say that they are against illegal immigration and that their ancestors came here legally.

The first waves of immigration had the same reasons as the people who come here: seek new opportunities, escape poverty, persecution, famine, death. The difference is that you can not come as you could 100 years ago. The other difference is that most illegal immigrants are not Caucasian. People have an innate suspicion of people who look different and who are not part of their "tribe" or "group".

Personally, I have never met with animosity towards me and my nationality. But I am Caucasian and can totally pass as an American. The only time people ask me where I come from is when they hear my accent, hear me speak German or when they ask about my name.

Now, with the separation of children from their parents at the border, the emotions are high and there is also a lot of false or distorted information out there. Unfortunately, most people have an opinion and only seek information that confirms this opinion. It is therefore very difficult to have a rational discussion about the issue that considers the facts.

However, separating children from their parents is cruel, and I think it goes against American values. … We need to take immigration reform seriously and think about different approaches that do justice to immigrants and Americans – especially those who feel threatened by illegal immigrants.

Mame Fama Fall, 20 (Senegal) – New York

  Mame Fama Fall

Until Tuesday, I was identified by my foreign number as a permanent resident. I live in America since I was 3 years old. It is the place that I call home. I should not have to worry about being a day separated from my family and sent back to where I am from. Nobody should, by the way. Hearing all of Trump's policies and thoughts on immigrants, my parents knew that we needed to get our citizenship as soon as possible.

The naturalization process itself was not very difficult, but took more time. I remember thinking if I did not pass the test? Or if something is wrong with my documents? Applying does not always guarantee citizenship.

Fast forward to the day of my ceremony. It did not strike me that I was a citizen until I received my certificate. The feeling itself was indescribable. From that moment, I knew that I had the obligation to fill my country.

I am now able to exercise all the rights offered to the citizens and to be part of a great nation. Yes, America is not perfect, but I am so grateful to live in a land that offers so many opportunities.

Silvia Ramos, 30 (Mexico) – Arizona

  Silvia Ramos [19659024] Silvia Ramos

Becoming an American citizen means safety for me and my family. It means opportunities and a new chapter in my life.

For me, it's like if I had given a voice. Even as a legal resident, I have never had the impression that I could express my convictions as freely as I did in my own country and now I can and will do it. Maybe this voice I was getting now could help make some changes in the future for my fellow immigrants.

Valeriu Vasilescu, 37 (Romania) – Florida

  Valeriu Vasilescu

I am going by Val. I am 37 years old and I was born in Bucharest, Romania. Being American is a dream come true. It becomes part of the larger nation and a voice for freedom. I lived in Romania while he was under a strict communist regime, so freedom was nonexistent.

One told me what to wear and what to say and anything American was banned. Going through this experience makes me appreciate being an American more than I could express. I really live a dream life-become-real.

I grew up in Romania. My mother was a prima ballerina. She escaped communism. I was able to go to Greece with her. Later, she applied for political asylum and we were able to come to the United States with a green card in 1990. I have always thought how wonderful it was to be here and I could see that so many people who became citizens had this glimmer of hope. their.

I went through the process. It was much easier than I thought. The process was three months. I was sworn in Tampa at the end of April. There were people from 47 countries in one room.

I remember the story of the people of Central America who were denied entry at the border. Seeing so many things, I feel like I'm so lucky to be already here. What's going on with Trump's administration has certainly made me more aware of the importance for me of taking that step and becoming a citizen. Today is the first time in my life that I celebrate the Independence Day as an American citizen

Yesenia Gonzalez, 20 (Mexico) – Mississippi

  Yesenia Gonzalez

] I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to become a citizen of the country who welcomed me as a little girl, which I've given so many opportunities. I'm getting to officially call mine.

I have been in the United States for more than half of my life and this has been my refuge in the most difficult and happy times. This country has witnessed my greatest achievements – my marriage and my sons.

I see a lot of hatred towards immigrants. Anyone who has the opportunity to do so, I hope that they will all become citizens and represent the Hispanic community. Many people become American citizens. I am so happy that people are taking this step. Now we can vote. I would have liked to be able to do it sooner.

Being American means that I now have rights but also responsibilities. I have the freedom to pursue what America stands for: life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. I am loyal to the country that has given so much and I thank my father-in-law and mother for bringing us to this wonderful country. My country. We are very blessed.

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