Thousands of Greeks came to protest through an agreement with Macedonia


On June 17, Greece and Macedonia signed an agreement to change the name of this former Yugoslav republic.

  Thousands of Athens residents are preparing to travel to events / photos

Thousands of Athens residents are preparing to participate in the events. com / telemax

Thousands of Greeks gathered Sunday in the streets of Athens to protest the agreement to change the name of the Republic of Macedonia, concluded on June 17, 2018 between Greece and Macedonia

According to the Bloomberg agency, the Greeks believe that the name of Macedonia should be used only to designate the northern region of his country with the name – the birthplace of Alexander of Macedonia – and considers any use as an attempt to steal their culture.

On January 19, the Greek government sent parliament an agreement to ratify parliament. The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, must receive the support of the majority of parliamentarians.

Civilian groups have stepped up their campaign for social action.

Local authorities, churches and monasteries rent dozens of buses in the regions to bring people from all over the country to the capital.

Organizers said they expected more staging than in February of last year. The police then announced that 140,000 people were demonstrating and organizers 10 times more numerous.

Read also The Macedonian Parliament approved the change of name of the country

According to UNIAN, 17 In June 2018, Greece and Macedonia signed an agreement to change the name of the country name of the former Yugoslav Republic. According to the agreement, the country will receive a new name, the Republic of North Macedonia, which paves the way for the accession of Skopje to NATO and the EU.

On September 30, a referendum was held in Macedonia. He asked: "Do you approve of membership in the European Union?" Has the Union and NATO adopted an agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Hellenic Republic? "

UNIAN Reference The dispute between Skopje and Athens began in 1991 when Macedonia peacefully left Yugoslavia declaring its independence as the Republic of Macedonia. is opposed to the name of Macedonia, fearing land claims with regard to its region of the same name.Because of the Greek objections, Macedonia was admitted to the United Nations under the name of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. in the context of this conflict, Greece blocked the entry of Macedonia into the European Union and into NATO

After the 27 years of conflict, the Prime Minister of the Republic Macedonia, Zoran Zayev, and the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic of Ciipras have reached agreement on the change of name of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Macedonia of the North. decision making, it is necessary to participate in the referendum at least 50% of citizens who have the right to vote.

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