Tomos for Ukraine. All you need to know about Istanbul events


On January 5 and 6, the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, the President of Verkhovna Rada, Andriy Parubiy and the head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Epiphany will participate in the ceremony of signing and surrender of the decree in Istanbul. This meeting was preceded by the Council of Unity in Kiev, where the Ukrainian clergy chose the head of a newly formed church.

The program of the visit to Turkey on January 5 provides for a meeting between the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the President of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubia with the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan Visit of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew .

After the completion of the signature procedure of the tomosa, the statements of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartiv and his story Ni Epiphanius nor the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko

On January 6, members of the delegation will participate in the ceremony of delivery of tomos, the Divine Liturgy (sent jointly by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and metropolitan Epiphany) and the ceremony of the blessing of water in the great soul [19659006]

"I do not believe that I will see the Ecumenical Patriarch, but he does not believe that I will see Tomos about the recognition of the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church", wrote the priest, Spokesperson of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Ivan Sidor .

He describes the document relating to the independence of the Ukrainian church "the millennia expected".

In 2016 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved an appeal to the Archbishop of Constantinople, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, to appeal to the Orthodox Church in favor of the peace. 19659003] The deputies appealed to the fact that in 1686 the Ecumenical Patriarch Dionysius illegally transferred the Metropolitan of Kiev to Moscow. The history of these events is described in the project "Youth Plus" .

In the spring of 2018 Petro Poroshenko traveled to Istanbul, where the residence of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is located in Fanar district.

the president decided to appeal to the ecumenical patriarch, his holiness, asking the grant of a tomos to the Ukrainian national autocephalous church, "he said at the 39, a meeting with the leaders of the parliamentary factions

  Petro Poroshenko and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Istanbul, April 2018 19659014] Petro Poroshenko and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Istanbul, April 2018 </span><br />
<p>  The reaction of the different denominations to this declaration If the Kiev patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church supported this initiative, the Moscow Patriarchate said the same day that "there is no reason for it". expect the Ecumenical Patriarchate to recognize another church than the UOC (MP) "</p>
<h3 class= Do not be fooled by the birthday

Despite Poroshen's expectation that the Ukraine will receive tomos on the occasion of the 1 030th anniversary of the baptism of Ukraine-Rus, that is to say until July 28, 2018, this did not happen. However, Bartholomew has repeatedly stated his intention to provide Ukraine with autocephaly.

In August, the Western Associated Press reported reports of attempts to break the private correspondence of the Christian clergy. The Ecumenical Patriarch was among the targets.

In the summer, representatives of the UOC (MP), later – and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyayev), went to Istanbul

. The purpose of these visits was to stop the process of handing tomosum to Ukraine, however, representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate could not achieve it. In particular, the spokesman of the UOC-KP, the Archbishop of Chernigov and Nizhyn Yevstratiy Zory .

In September, the Ecumenical Patriarch appointed his representatives in Kiev – Exarchs: Archbishop of the United States and Bishop Hilarion of Edmonton of Canada . Both were born in Ukraine.

  The Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine are the Archbishop of Pamphylian and the Western Eparchies of the UOC in the United States of America, Daniel (right), and l & # 39; 39, Bishop of Edmonton and the Archdiocese of UOC in Canada, Hilarion. Kiev, October 5, 2018

The Exarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine are the Archbishop of the Pamphylian and Western Diocese of the UOC in the United States, Daniel (right), the bishop of 39, Edmonton and the Archdiocese of UOC in Canada, Ilarion. Kiev, October 5, 2018

In response to these actions, the phanar of the Russian Orthodox Church ROC declared that he was ceasing to mention the Ecumenical Patriarch in his prayers. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin described this decision as a manifestation of separatism.

Read also: "Forpost" of the Russian world.

On October 11, the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate decided to continue the process of granting autocephaly to the Ukrainian Church.

The Synod also restored the canonical, hierarchical and priestly dignitaries of the UOC-KP Filaret and the UAK . Macarius and all their faithful, as well as the faithful of these churches, took up Eucharistic communion with the canonical Orthodox world.

Cathedral of Unity

A few days after the Synod of Constantinople, the Republic of China meets – in Minsk. Ukraine was represented by Metropolitan Onuphri and Metropolitan Zaporizhzhia and Melitopolskaya Luka.

In protest against the decision of Constantinople, the Russian Orthodox Church proclaimed the dissolution of the Eucharistic Communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

in November President Poroshenko In Kiev, the highest clergy of the UOC (MP) discussed negotiations with the Ecumenical Patriarchate, but the meeting did not take place. On his side, the UOC (MP) said that he had invited the president to Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, but he did not arrive.

Read also: What happened to the UOC-MP during the last three days

At the end of November, the synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate approved the draft statute of the # 39; autocephaly of the Ukrainian church. This was done "in the expectation of issuing a patriarchal and synodal tomosus".

The Cathedral of Unity, where the head of a new church was elected and the charter was approved, was held on December 15. Only two metropolitans of the UOC (MP) were present at the cathedral: Metropolitans Vinnitsa and Barsky Simeon and Metropolitan Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vishnevsky Alexander .

  In this photo, two arcades of memory) during the Unity Cathedral: Metropolitan Vinnitsa and Barys Simeon (left) and Metropolitan Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vyshnevsky Alexander (worldwide, Oleksandr Drabinko, on the right ). Kiev, December 15, 2018

In this photo, two hierarchies of the UOC (MP) at the Cathedral of Unity: Metropolitan Vinnitsa and Barsky Simeon (left) and Metropolitan Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vyshnevsky Alexander (in the world, Oleksandr Drabinko, right). Kiev, December 15, 2018

At the request of the Council of Unity, was followed by Radio Liberty on his blog

  Cover of the blog live on Tomos

Cover of the live blog (live blog ) Tomas

The head of the new Orthodox Church of Ukraine elected 39-year-old Metropolitan 39-year-old Pereyaslavl and Bila Tserkva Epiphany.

  The members of the unity council congratulate the newly elected president of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the metropolitan Kiev and the epiphany of all of Ukraine. Kiev, December 15, 2018

The participants in the unity council congratulate the new president of the elected Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan of Kyiv and Epiphany of all the & # 39; 39; Ukraine. Kiev, December 15, 2018

Read also: Assistance to the army, dinner for the poor and new temples: what does Metropolitan Epiphanes share in social networks?

Already the next day, the Ecumenical Patriarch invited him to Istanbul for a ceremony of tomosus – The first liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Epiphanius – photo report "/>


The first liturgy by metropolitan Epiphanes – photo report

Subsequently, the UOC (MP) announced the removal of the metropolitans who took

This However, it does not prevent Metropolitan Simeon from declaring the transition of the Diocese of Vinnytsia to the CPC already on December 17th.

At the end of December, Patriarch Kirill sent Bartholomew a letter threatening him with the "Last Judgment" for his support.

According to research by the Foundation of Democratic Initiatives Ilk Kucheriv and the Razumkov Center, the Council of Unity and the creation of an independent church consider that the majority of respondents is 24% during l & # 39; year.

The ceremony of the signing and delivery of the tomos 5 and January 6, see I am on the YouTube channel of Radio Liberty.


  The picture of the artist Alexei Kustovsky

The picture of the painter Alexei Kustovsky

Filaret about the cathedral, rivals Epiphany and the blackmail of the KGB

Parliament decides to rename the UOC (MP) in Russian Orthodox Church

. In Crimea, deputies bless the occupiers for the defense of Russia and sanctify their weapons

Riga Index: ROC and KGB. This also applies to Ukraine

The UOC (deputy) helped Gorkina prepare for the annexation of Crimea – SSU

  The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew prepared packages of chocolates from the Roshen factory. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur.

Aslyan Patriarch Bartholomew with "Roshen" factory gift packs. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur. "Although the Russian church accuses me of taking money for this autocephalous, I did not take money, but a lot of candies and chocolates from there. Plant, Poroshenko, "said Patriarch Bartholomew. After that, he distributed candies to the children who had come to charm in the residence of the patriarch. Istanbul, 24 December 2018

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