Tragedy in a quest hall in Poland: after verification, firefighters urgently closed 13 game rooms


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In Poland, 480 evacuation rule violations in 178 quest rooms were detected in Poland.

  The owner of Koszalinsky's quest hall has been arrested / photo "src =" "title = "The owner of Koszalinsky's quest hall was arrested / photo" /> 

<p> The owner of Koszalinsky's quest hall was arrested / photo</p>
<p> In Poland On behalf of Joachim Brudzinsky's Minister of the Interior and Administration, the fire department checked 178 gambling halls. </p>
<p>  According to the words, General Leshek Sousky, commander the Polish fire service, 129 controlled gambling halls did not comply with all safety regulations, 13 quest halls were immediately closed, Polish radio reported. </p>
<p>  <span class= Read also The media reported that the fire caused a tragic fire. in the shopping center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo

"Only these 178 objects had an active economic activity. And I would like to point out that there were 480 evasion rules violations of these "escap-roms" – I'm talking about the length and width of the escape corridors, their passability. In the quest hall in Koszalin, where this tragedy occurred, there was no way to open the door of the room where the fire was located, "he said. he said.

The owner of the Koshlinna's quest hall was arrested, according to the chief of police chief Yaroslav Shymchyk, the prosecutor's office opened an investigation and an interrogation was conducted Saturday on the worker of this playroom, which is currently in a hospital severely burned to the body.

As UNIAN reported in Koszalin, Poland, five 15-year-old girls died as a result of who celebrated the anniversary of one of them

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