Trump and Pelosi clash in an epic power struggle


The meeting will take place during broader discussions involving Congress leaders on the second day of divided government in the Trump administration.

Indeed, Pelosi is now the face of Congressional control and investigation that allowed Trump to spare two years of British government rule on Capitop Hill and which now threatens his presidency itself. 19659002] It is not only that Pelosi and Trump are political and temperament opposites. The possibility that she would be able to initiate an impeachment procedure if special advocate Robert Mueller was to make an overwhelming verdict against Trump was suspended.

While she was sworn in on Thursday, the California Democrat was preaching to take action to strengthen the middle class. , fight against climate change, protection of children brought to the United States by undocumented parents, gender equality and openness of government.

funding as the first bill of the new Democratic majority.

"We do not make a wall, does anyone have the slightest doubt that we are not doing it?" Is everything, "she said at the time. a press conference Thursday night.

And by playing on Trump's legal vulnerabilities, Pelosi had refused to exclude an indictment in an interview on NBC's "Today" show and had stated that the question of whether a president could be indicted was open.

Trump set the stage for his face-to-face meeting with his new senior politician. his enemy by concretizing his requests for funding the walls during a hastily orchestrated appearance in the White House briefing room, indicating that he was far from backing away from the closure.

"I have never had more support than in the last one week above my position for border security, border control and, frankly, the wall or barrier," said President, surrounded by a group of members of the Border Patrol Council.


  letter, angry interruption and a closed government: few signs a close agreement is near
The last meeting of Trump and Pelosi, then House Minority Leader, took place earlier this week at the White House. Things headed south when the president ordered his Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, to inform border security legislators. At one point, Trump's frustration erupted in Senate leader Chuck Schumer, and the president launched a radiant personal letter from North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un, heading the New York Democrat.

This massive political disconnect is one of the reasons that expectations are so low for Friday's meeting, as well as the fact that at this point, neither party seems to have a motivation overwhelming to conclude an agreement.

The speaker has no desire to celebrate her new majority by giving Trump a victory on the wall – – the symbol of her electoral victory in 2016, which broke the hearts of Democrats. His position is supported by Schumer, whose minority party votes are needed to pass a Senate finance bill.
Trump unleashed closure as conservative commentators revolted for his vital political base to be maintained, "said Thursday" briefing "seemed to be aimed at, so going down now would expose him even more to a violent reaction. [19659007] That is why it is difficult to find a way out of the confrontation that would allow Trump and Pelosi to win the victory and create goodwill that can be used to pursue bipartisan initiatives – for example , a set of infrastructure or, in the future, essential items such as budget bills or raising the debt ceiling.

Little in common

] Trump and Pelosi could not be more different, so it's hard to see how they can create any kind of bond in the coming weeks.

Pelosi is a political death row inmate the family business from a very young age. Trump owes his impressive electoral success to the fact that he is not at all a politician.

The speaker, getting a second round at the post despite early rumors of disagreement among the younger Democrats, has once again proved her command of the Washington process. We remember especially his prowess counting votes for having adopted Obamacare during his first round at the head of the House.

Trump is a legislative neophyte. Despite his republican monopoly on power, he was often unpredictable.

Pelosi is no stranger to the fighting against Republican presidents, even if the memories of his bitter fighting against President George W. Bush for funding the war in Iraq are even less well known.

Pelosi and Bush had a cordial personal relationship. Their mutual respect was crucial to overcoming the 2008 financial crisis and was evident when they intertwined with former President George H. W. Bush is in a state last month.

Trump sought to establish a personal connection with Pelosi by congratulating her on her election to the presidency.

"It's a very, very big feat and we hope to be able to work together, and we're going to do a lot of things," he said.

Still, Trump is a much more volatile personality than Bush and often sees deeply personal political differences. Its default projection mode is to identify an enemy and apply a choking political fire.

Dan Meyer, who served as Bush's legislative assistant, also experienced blockages working for Republican President Newt Gingrich in the 1990s. The political dynamics of the new majorities have often been shaped by the problems that brought them to power.

"There is a set of different problems that brought this majority to power – the main one being the resistance of the Democrats to President Trump," Meyer

"This is going to be a lot harder to do and not to do it. they will take it the hard way, "he said.

If that's how it happens, Pelosi will be ready. said Nadeam Elshami, former chief of staff at Pelosi.

"She has the power to support him, she has been with this president for the last two years," Elshami told CNN's "New Day," citing his former boss's resolution, "his ability to understand Discover the problems and its ability to look at the President and say, "Mr. President, you are wrong, these are not the facts."

Terms dictated

The Different Approaches Pelosi and Trump were on display Thursday.

Pelosi legislated, passing the bill to reopen the government that put the Republicans – who had already adopted a similar effort to keep the government open last month in the Senate – in a difficult situation.

Meanwhile, Trump presided over the propaganda campaign in the White House's briefing room to change the subject of Pelosi's triumphal day. and to provide sequences to conservative information channels.

The Pelosi approach is designed to show that Democrats can govern and bring stability after two years of chaos fostered by Trump's disruption.

the hard closing, the more Democrats will be under pressure to end the situation as hundreds of thousands of federal officials are not paid.

Or maybe a prolonged stop could cause voters to get excited about both the president's off-hook.

Trump's political team tries to shape this result by portraying Pelosi as an extreme group of moderate liberals on immigration and blinded by a voracious desire to destroy his presidency.

Unfortunately, an incoming speaker is already talking about charges and impeachment as the president talks about border security and infrastructure, Trump's advisor Kellyanne Conway said on Thursday.

"She obviously came here yesterday without worrying about border security, so it does not surprise me that she is so partisan and political the first day. It's a pity, Conway said.

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