Trump brings to life the racist speech of "Pocahontas" against Warren, Donald Jr .: "Savage!"


President Donald Trump apparently did not pay attention – or maybe he was – when the Native American leaders criticized his "racist" use of "Pocahontas" as an insult to the Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). He resurrected – again – on Saturday in a tweet. But what was more surprising was the response of his eldest son with an astonishing term: "Savage !!! I love my president!

In a tweet on Saturday, Trump mockingly wondered if Warren would be the "first candidate for the US presidency", denigrating Warren and seeming to describe the idea of ​​an Aboriginal candidate as unimaginable. , herself.

Warren was criticized for referring to his Amerindian heritage. Although a DNA test last year revealed that she probably had an Amerindian ancestor, she is not a member of any tribe. She apologized last week to the Cherokee Nation, whose leaders said that being a tribal citizen was "anchored in centuries of culture and laws – not by anybody. DNA ".

Several people who responded on Twitter to the last line of Trump, "Rendezvous to the TRAIL Liz campaign," Y saw a Ruthless reference to the "Trail of Tears", a series of brutal forced displacements of Amerindian governments in the southwestern southwest from 1830 that caused countless deaths.

Donald Trump Jr. responded to his father's tweet on Instagram incorporating an astonishing term – " Wild "- This goes back to the height of national racism to the massacres of thousands of Native Americans. He added: "I love my president".

He was probably referring to the president's comment as "wild," but he was shocking to his deaf – or a deliberate paralyzing choice.

Donald Jr.'s Instagram post also added an answer to the president's tweet about the "Native American genocide" that "continues with another murder by the president," apparently referring to Warren.

The messages of both father and son elicited mockery and dreadful acclaim.

"Keep working as spokesman for hate," was one of the answers to Donald Jr.'s Instagram post. "Yes, let's continue making jokes about the Native American genocide," notes sarcastically another.

Yet another: "NOT a fan of Elizabeth Warren, but retweeting [genocide tweet] basically says that the history of American presidents The genocide of Native Americans was a good thing. "In addition, simply," It's so erased "and," You should be ashamed of yourself. "

The president was attacked last month by Native Americans. joked in a tweet that Warren should have made a political video at Wounded Knee. Hundreds of unarmed Indians, many of them women and children, were slaughtered by American troops in 1890 at Wounded Knee in South Dakota.

The American Indians and their followers were not amused. We compared that to a joke on September 11th. "Insignificant references to murderous historical conflicts and insults that mock Aboriginal identity have no place in our political discourse," said Jefferson Keel, president of the National Indian Congress. America, in a statement.

Trump has been repeatedly arrested for using Pocahontas as an insult. John Norwood, secretary general of the Alliance of Colonial Tribes, said more than a year ago that the president should "stop using our historical personalities significant as a racial insult against one of its opponents ". [19659002] Critics continued in response to his last tweet:

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