Trump confirmed the next summit with Kim Jong Yin: a date and a place well known


US President Donald Trump confirmed his intention to meet DPRK leader Kim Jong Yin at an annual congressional appeal on the situation in the country. The meeting is scheduled for February 27 and 28 in Vietnam

Addressing Congress, the US leader has hinted that he was not elected president of the United States, the country would now be at war with North Korea.

Read also: "The whole world is jealous of the US economy and the US military": Trump appeals to Congress

Trump stresses the importance and effectiveness of the diplomacy of l & # 39; administration. He also noted that the DPRK had now stopped its nuclear tests and that rocket fire had not occurred for 15 months.

We continue peace talks with the DPRK. We have a wonderful relationship with Kim Jong Yin. Our next meeting will be held on February 27 and 28 in Vietnam
said the president of the White House.

The President of the United States addresses each year at the Congress entitled "On the situation of the country" in which he describes his vision of the situation in the country. as well as various legislative initiatives.

The United States sent a special envoy to the DPRK Stephen Biegen to Pyongyang in anticipation of the upcoming summit. There will be a meeting with representatives of the DPRK to discuss the preparations for the second meeting of the leaders of the United States and the DPRK. During the meeting negotiations between Trump and Kim Jong-il will also be discussed. It is possible that the parties will also start drafting a declaration signed by the leaders of both countries at the end of the summit.

How did relations between countries develop after the first summit? Donald Trump and Kim Chen Ying spent their first historic meeting in June 2018 in Singapore. There, they agreed to peace and liberation of the Korean Peninsula nuclear weapons. However, after the end of the talks on the denuclearization of the peninsula

In late July a demolition of the industrial building and the dismantling of the test bench missile engines began at the North Korean landfill of SoHa. In addition, in May the DPRK dismantled its main nuclear test site in Punheri. Also in September, Kim Jong Ying and Moon Chzhin agreed that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea dismantled the Tonchann missile zone in the near future and allowed foreign observers to control the area. [ad_2]
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