Trump defends the & # 39; Executive Time & # 39; after a time leak


P Resident Trump on Sunday explained how he spends his job several days after being criticized for the amount of unstructured "executive time" in his daily schedule, saying that he was working harder than most of his predecessors. hours. "

" The media was able to get my work schedule, something very easy to do, but it should have been reported as positive, not negative. When the term "executive time" is used, I usually work without relaxing. In fact, I probably work more hours than almost every former president, "tweeted Trump.

"The fact is that when I took office as president, our country was in shambles. Exhausted military forces, endless wars, potential war with North Korea, V.A., high taxes and too many regulations, border problems, immigration and health care, and so much more. I had no choice but to work very long hours! ", He added.

Last week, Axios released a gold mine of the President's calendar for the past three months. According to Axios' analysis of the diaries, 60 percent of Trump's scheduled time was "executive time", a time for which nothing was planned for the president.

The White House opened an investigation in search of the person or persons behind Mick Mulvaney, the White House's acting chief of staff, told Fox News on Sunday that they "hoped to have a resolution "this week.

Mulvaney claimed to believe that a career federal worker, rather than a person appointed to political office, would have compiled and disclosed Trump's information. He lamented the fact that it is very difficult to dismiss government employees.

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