Trump goes against the tradition, does not wait for Pelosi to present it before the SOTU speech


President Trump appeared to break with tradition on Tuesday, launching his speech on the state of the Union without waiting for the presentation of Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to the D. tribune inside the chamber of the House, which follows the Sergeant of the House of Arms announcing the entrance of the president in the room. beginning was an intentional impulse. After the speech, Pelosi downplayed his concerns that Trump had snubbed him or breached the rules of the game before the speech.

"I introduced it.I said:" Members of Congress, I present to you the President of the United States. "


Trump and Pelosi have not seen each other since taking over the role of leader in the House last month. Tensions between the two reached a boiling point during the government's record 35-day shutdown on the financing of the border wall.

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