Trump: Pelosi is "very bad for our country"


President Trump Donald John TrumpChristie: Trump apologized after "knowingly lying" during the 2016 campaign. The White House abruptly canceled a meeting with intelligence chiefs the day after his contradiction: a report criticized by President Trump. Nancy Pelosi Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi – Night Defense – Presented by Raytheon – Senate Reprimands Trump Against Syria | Trump says "time will prove it" in the eyes of Intel chiefs | Democrats demand transparency of border troops | Sexual Assault and Soaring Harassment in Military Academies Night Health Care – Presented by Kidney Care Partners – Trump Officials Take Further Action to Lower Drug Prices | Romney warns drug officials | "Medicare for all" paves the way for a demographic break on money: Trump is looking for money for a wall | Pelosi open to new border infrastructure but no wall | GOP pushes Trump to stay out of negotiations | Trump optimistic about the trade deal with China, MORE (D-Calif.) In an interview broadcast this weekend, claiming that it is "very bad for our country".

Pelosi has been Trump's flagship since he's taken the presidency. this year, and both have been stuck in a deadlock for weeks about Trump's border wall funding application during the 35-day partial government closure.

"I think it was very rigid – which I would expect – but I think it's very bad for our country," Trump told CBS News in an excerpt of the interview published Friday. All Trump's remarks will be broadcast Sunday morning before the Super Bowl.

The long-time Democratic leader refused to yield to Trump's request for funding of more than $ 5 billion for the construction of a wall at the US-Mexico border. negotiations during the five weeks of government closures that ended last Friday.

"She knows a barrier is needed," Trump told CBS, referring to the southern border. I think it's a very bad policy, because deep down it wants open borders. She does not fear human trafficking, otherwise she would not do it. "

Pelosi and Trump also pledged last month against Trump's scheduled state of the Union's address.The President told Trump that he should deliver his speech after the reopening of the government and the cancellation of congressional delegations abroad

After agreeing to fully reopen the federal government for three weeks, Pelosi again invited the president to deliver his speech. [19659006] A group of bipartisan members of the House and Senate are currently negotiating on the financing of border security as part of an agreement to avoid a further partial closure of the government on February 15

Trump said this week that he does not think that lawmakers will be able to reach an agreement, but that he indicates that he can declare a national emergency in order to obtain from him ". money for a wall f

He added in an interview with CBS that he thought Pelosi was doing a "terrible

Drew Hammill, deputy chief of staff of Pelosi, told CBS News that "The president knows, aside from the boastfulness, that the Democrats are determined to protect our borders while defending our values ​​as a nation. The president should stop undermining bipartisan efforts to achieve this.

The Pelosi office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

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