Trump says Paul Ryan has denied his agreement to fund a border wall


President Trump said in an interview published Wednesday night that former House Speaker Paul Ryan R-Wis., Had waived an agreement to fund the wall from the border while Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. In an interview with The Daily Caller's conservative website, Trump said Ryan promised to finance the wall if the president signed the 2018 spending bill.

"Well, I was going to oppose my veto to the omnibus bill and Paul told me in very clever language: "Please, do not do that. We will make you go through the wall. "And I said," I hope you mean that, because I do not like this bill, "Trump said. "Paul said with the utmost firmness that you please, sign this and if you do, we will send you this wall." Humanitarian crisis, drug trafficking, you know , all, people, criminals, gangs, you need a wall. "

The president signed in March the $ 1 trillion spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. A few hours later, he expressed regret.

"I will never sign another bill like this," Trump said. "I will not do it again, no one has read it, it only has a few hours."

million. Trump's comments to the Daily Caller come just days after signing a bill to reopen the government after a record-breaking 35 days. The bill also did not include funding for its boundary wall.

While Ryan was still the speaker in December, the House passed a bill providing $ 5 billion for the wall but the Senate had already passed a measure without this money. The House bill was considered dead on arrival in the Senate because it would take 60 votes to pass. Trump said he would not approve a budget without funding for the wall, which led the government to shut down.

Ryan left office at the end of 2018 and Democrat Nancy Pelosi took the presidency of the House. Pelosi refused to negotiate with Mr. Trump and the closure lasted until January 25, when the President agreed to sign a compromise bill to reopen the government which does not Did not include the financing of border barriers.

million. Trump told the Daily Caller Ryan that he had "become a lame duck", while it was "really a salutation exercise for people and that power was gone, so I was very disappointed."

"I was very disappointed with Paul because the wall was desperately needed.And I'm going to have the wall," said Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump's speech on the subject. The state of the Union was postponed until February 5 due to the closure of the plant.Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman, DN.J., announced that she would invite an undocumented worker who would have been fired. as a cleaner at a Trump golf club after giving an interview to the New York Times.

Mr. Trump told the appellant that some of the guests he would invite "will be bound to the border, some from among them will be people who have suffered very badly because we have not done what we should have done in a very dangerous part of our country. "

According to the website, Mr. Trump then asked senior executives to arrange a meeting to discuss the issue.

Mr. Trump has also told The Daily Caller that & # 39; he "would consider" asking the FBI to review its policy after the & # 39; arrest of his former campaign adviser and longtime ally, Roger Stone, early in the morning.

When asked how the investigation of the special advocate Robert Mueller was going. Dealing with the investigation by the shooter Stephen Paddock of Las Vegas, Mr. Trump said: "Look at this compared to the Russian hoax, it's a shame."

Trump also told The Daily Caller that he would let the Department of Justice decide how to deal with Mueller's report. Mueller's investigation in Russia is overseen by the Ministry of Justice.

"They will have to make their decision in the Department of Justice and they will decide what they will do," Trump said.

In addition, the President stated that he had "never" spoken to anyone. Acting Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, about the end of the investigation on Mueller.

Whitaker said earlier this week that the investigation was "about to be completed".

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