Trump should propose to extend DACA and TPS protections in exchange for wall-to-wall financing


The latest offer from the president, which he must present to the White House Saturday at 4 pm. And, will tie his $ 5.7 billion request for a border wall to the BRIDGE Act, a law that would extend protection to so-called "dreamers", undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States when they were in trouble. they were children and were covered by the DACA program. [19659002] The compromise proposal would also allow immigrants with temporary protection status – some of whose protections were rescinded by Trump – to remain in the country.

Axios was the first to report it.

The President's willingness to treat the DACA in the context of a possible agreement on the boundary wall is a reversal of his position that the courts should solve the problem first.

In 2017, the Trump government announced its intention to phase out the DACA program, which had previously announced that it would wait for the protection of its recipients after the Supreme Court's decision.

Democrats have so far refused. to provide funding for the border wall and insisted that Trump reopen the government before a broader agreement on border security and immigration could be negotiated.

Trump's proposal comes as House Democrats move forward with legislation to strengthen border security – without funding for the Wall – an action to escalate stalemate over a partial shutdown of the government in his fifth week

  In Saturday's speech, Trump plans to make an offer to the Democrats to end the closures and not to the declaration of national emergency. A senior official says

[19659004] According to a Democratic source, the Democrats the House will vote an additional $ 1 billion to strengthen border security, as part of a package of six spending bills.

This billion would not include money for the Wall of Borders, as Democrats. try to argue that there are other security measures at the border that are more effective.

Money includes harbor security measures as well as funds for immigration judges who could help in cases of asylum-seeking migrants crossing the US-Mexico border told CNN.

Money is divided approximately between port security and funding for additional judges.

It is very unlikely that the proposal will free the stalemate between the Democrats and the White House for the reopening of the government, which is now at its 29th day. Although the House will vote next week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would not vote on a bill without the support of Mr. Trump.

The expenses that the Democrats intend to vote will be the six agreements between the House and the Senate in conference.

This package, including the $ 1 billion, will be the tenth measure adopted by House Democrats to reopen the government since the beginning of the new session of Congress. Up to now, the House has approved seven of these bills. A vote on the eighth bill scheduled for Tuesday should be adopted.

CNN's Abby Phillip, Ashley Killough and Veronica Stracqualursi contributed to this report. [ad_2]
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