Trump signs a decree promoting artificial intelligence


President Trump on Monday signed an executive order to boost the development and regulation of artificial intelligence, a technology that, according to many experts, will define the future of everything from consumer products health care through war.

a.i. Experts from industry, academia and government have long called on the Trump administration to make artificial intelligence development a top priority. Last spring, worried that the United States was not keeping pace with China and other countries, Jim Mattis, then Secretary of Defense, sent a memo to the White House to implore the President of the United States. create a national strategy on AI

. Trump has taken this step, although this "American AI Initiative" might not be as bold as some would have hoped.

The purpose of the decree was to better educate workers on the ground, to improve access to cloud computing services and data needed for AI creation. systems and promote cooperation with foreign powers. But the order did not set aside funds for A.I. R & D, and the administration gave little detail on how it was considering implementing its new policies.

The United States is engaged in an increasingly fierce trade war with China. And while US companies such as Google and Amazon are now leaders in artificial intelligence, experts in this field are concerned that China will outperform the United States in developing technologies to power surveillance systems and autonomous weapons, as well as driverless cars and a wide range of applications. Internet services.

In July 2017, China unveiled a plan to become the world's leading AI, aiming to create an industry worth $ 150 billion by 2030, and two Chinese cities have promised to Invest $ 7 billion in this effort. Other governments have also begun to make significant investments, including in South Korea, Great Britain, France and Canada.

In the United States, the Department of Defense has accelerated its efforts to integrate the AI, transferring $ 75 million of its annual budget to a new office will develop these technologies. Other government agencies also have important projects underway. But many AIs are worried that top talent in the United States is turning to companies such as Google and Amazon and moving away from government agencies.

Last year, these concerns grew when Google withdrew from an AI creation project for the Pentagon. after the employees protested that the technology they were working on could be used for life-threatening purposes. Companies such as Google are also expanding into countries such as China, France and Canada, such as the A.I. group. Talent in these countries continues to grow.

At an information meeting with reporters Sunday, a senior administration official said the White House would step up its efforts to train American workers on the ground. The administration plans to work with the National Council of American Workers to spur education efforts through industry and academia, and will invite government agencies to establish research fellowships on the subject. the IA

. monitor the progress of these efforts.

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