Trump spent 60% of his hours on unstructured "executive time" in the last 3 months: report


In the past three months, President Trump has spent about 60 percent of his time working on so-called "leadership time," according to a plethora of internal calendars obtained by Axios. The schedules reveal that Mr. Trump's days at the White House contain unstructured hours punctuated with briefings, lunches, media interviews, and meetings with senior officials. ;administration.

In total, about 297 out of 503 hours scheduled in the president's schedule since November. 7, 2018 have been designated "executive time", a label coined by former chief of staff John Kelly. Mr. Axios notes that the president often holds impromptu meetings or calls heads of state during "executive" periods, sometimes to avoid leaks. Some meetings during the "executive time" are listed on more detailed programs, seen by fewer staff than the most general.

"Office hours" occupied much of Mr. Trump's mornings, with his first meetings of the day often taking place at 11 o'clock, according to Axios. Other unstructured periods were often scheduled before and after lunch, ranging from 15 minutes to over an hour and a half. Some days, the president's private hours make up most of the day, with one day enumerating more than seven hours of "executive time".

Schedules indicate that the president is at the Oval Office at 8 am most days, but Axios cites six sources with direct knowledge of the President's routine that Mr. Trump was not never in the oval office so soon. Instead, Axios reports that he spends most of his mornings at the residence where he is known for watching cable news and reading newspapers.

On Monday, Axios reported that his story "provoked internal criticism and more hectic speculation than any other since the anonymous writing of the New York Times."

Chris Whipple, a presidential historian, told Axios "almost no [historical] parallel" for the president's day structure.

"Trump is a guy who gives a new meaning to the concept of unstructured presidency," Whipple said.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued a statement stating that "President Trump has a different style of leadership than his predecessors." The results speak for themselves. Even though he spends most of his normal day in meetings, events and scheduled calls, he has time to create a more creative environment that has helped to make him the most productive president of Modern History.

"President Trump unleashed a booming economy with lower taxes and higher wages, established the United States as the largest oil and gas producer in the world. world, overhauled our justice system, rebuilt our military and renegotiated better trade agreements. It is indisputable that our country has never been so powerful as today under the leadership of President Trump. "

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