Trump thought that Flynn's shooting would end the "Russian thing," writes Chris Christie in a book


He remembers the first time that he met Mr. Trump in May 2002 at a restaurant where Mr. Trump wanted to order for him. At the end of dinner, a fan who had been waiting outside for an hour asked Mr. Trump to take a photo with her.

Looking forward, Mr. Trump looked at the woman and said, "Honey, let's do this the next time we get together." He disappeared into a black limousine.

But Mr. Christie said that. On the other side of the President, describing conversations with Mr. Trump where he was concerned about his children. "What will happen to them if I'm not here?" Mr. Trump asked about his adult children s & # 39, he became president.

that's who he is, "said Christie in the interview." I think this is much more nuanced. "

However, at several times, the story goes to Mr. Kushner, whom Mr. Christie recalled watching, silently, when Mr. Kushner denounced Mr. Christie to Mr. Trump in a meeting with him and urging him to exclude Mr. Christie's transition effort.

"He tried to destroy my father," said Mr. Kushner, according to Mr. Christie, a former lawyer from the United States who sued Mr. Kushner's father, Charles, for tax evasion and other charges. Mr. Trump did not take sides with his son-in-law.

When Mr. Kushner lost the battle, he told Mr. Christie that they should let the past go away and work together, Christie wrote. But on many occasions, he said, he had learned from other officials that Mr. Kushner was working against him.

On the night of the election, Mr. Kushner asked Mr. Christie's son to take a picture of himself and the governor. said that he could never have imagined years earlier, according to the book. Mr. Christie was removed from the transition three days later.

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