Trump's choice to replace grilled Kavanaugh for writings on sexual assault


  Neomi Rao "title =" Neomi Rao "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  The Consequences of Mr. Kavanaugh's Controversial Hearings Regarding His Application to the Supreme Court Last Year Was Obvious During the Hearing of Neomi Rao Tuesday. | AP Photo / J. Scott Applewhite </p>
<p>  choosing to replace Brett Kavanaugh at the second highest court in the country refused to say Tuesday if she recused herself from all the affairs concerning the president's regulatory program and was trying to explain his earlier writings on sexual abuse. </p>
<p>  Neomi Rao, currently head of the White House's Information and Regulatory Affairs Bureau, which examines the regulations of the United States. executive, said before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary that she would approach the challenge of prosecution against the Trump administration "on a case-by-case basis." </p>
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"If I had to be confirmed, I would look attenti the legal standards of disqualification, "said Rao. "I would consult my recesses and practices on the DC Circuit."

Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), A member of the Senate High Judicial Committee, however, expressed skepticism about how Rao would deal with such cases. It was confirmed by the Circuit Court of Appeal.

"The circuit of the Supreme Court of Canada hears most of the problems related to federal regulation. Therefore, if confirmed, Ms. Rao could be able to rule on many regulations on which she personally worked, "said Feinstein.

L Senators also commented on Rao's editorials that she wrote while she was a student at Yale, a report that BuzzFeed published in January. In an article on date rape, Rao wrote that if a woman "drinks to the point of not being able to choose, well, getting to that point is part of her choice."

"To be honest, look back at those who write and re-read them, I feel the language I used," said Rao in response to Lindsey Graham (RS.C.), president of the judiciary of the Senate. "I think I was reacting to what was happening on campus at that time. Over the past two decades, I like to think that I have matured as a thinker, writer and even as a person. "

Rao added that Victims of sexual assault do not should never blame it, but said that in her academic writings she was trying to "sensibly" point out that women could take certain steps to reduce the risk of becoming the target of sexual assault.

Rao was particularly watched by Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who said last month in an interview with Bloomberg News that she had been raped at the university. Ernst is one of two Republican women sitting on the Judiciary Committee.

"I will not mince words," said Ernst. "I had the opportunity to reread several of your writings while you were at university and they make me think. And not only because of my personal experiences, but about a message that we send everywhere to young women. "

Ernst also worries about a 1993 Rao article, in which she wrote that the critic Camille Paglia" aptly describes the dangerous feminist idealism. which teaches women that they are equal. Ernst asked if Rao thought it was a "dangerous feminist ideal" that women be created on an equal footing.

Rao expressed regret for this statement and said that she supported the equal rights of men and women. 19659019] Lisa Murkowski "data-size =" promo_xsmall_rectangle "/>

" Honestly, I do not really know why I wrote this at the university, "Rao added.

The Consequences Kavanaugh's controversial hearings during his candidacy for the Supreme Court last year were evident at Rao's hearing on Tuesday, with several references to Kavanaugh's controversial statements in his high school yearbook.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said it seemed typical now that "people go back 25 or 30 years back and observe things like that and try to criticize people for some of their carelessness or juvenile opinions. expressed at the time. "[19659004] Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) noted" there are some things you can write in college that could disqualify a person from his later service in politics ", but he stated that "this It's obviously not what we're dealing with here. " [19659004] Prior to this position at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Ms. Rao was a law professor and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. She also worked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and worked in the White House Council offices under the presidency of George W. Bush.

But Rao defended her qualifications for the position she was asking about her lack of experience as a prosecutor or judge.

"I think that the experience I have had over the last 20 years is very much in keeping with the specialized role of the DC circuit, which, as mentioned, relates to a number of disproportionate administrative law business and challenges posed to agencies, "said Rao." I have extensive practical experience of these issues. "

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