Trump's signal wall or the approach of nothing for stop-and-go negotiations


Trump said he would probably use his executive power to build his wall anyway, which could undermine the compromise talks between lawmakers.

"I set the table, I've paved the way for doing what I'm going to do," said Trump, without specifically confirming that he's considering declaring a national emergency and reprogramming money already offered by Congress for other purposes.

Such a measure, or other action by the executive, would trigger a constitutional confrontation and some legal challenge on the question of whether the president would claim power, he did not have to usurp the prerogative of Congress with appropriate funds.

Trump's warning appeared amidst some signs of progress from the Capitol Hill talks. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, accusing her of "playing games" because of her refusal to fund a wall, he always said that Mexico would pay for. "

" If there is no wall, it does not work, "Trump told a group of reporters in the oval office earlier on Thursday, accusing Pelosi of" playing games "because of his refusal to finance his wall – the most tangible promise of his campaign at the White House 2016.

" On February 15, the committee will come back and if they have no wall, I do not do not even want to waste my time reading what they have because it's a waste of time, "said Trump

Pelosi was playing hard, but at one point seemed to offer Trump a Pelosi explained that "the solution should not contain any money," Pelosi said, adding that she could support a solution to the confrontation – some Norman fences – large "X" shaped fences – at the border

"If the president wants to call that a wall, he can call it a wall," said Pelosi.

Flexibility in my Language and Creativity The drafting of legislation is a time-honored means of resolving congressional disputes in a way that gives both sides edible argument that they have won. It is not difficult to see how such an approach could be a way to save the current confrontation.

If Trump agreed to consider funding for the renovation of existing sections of the boundary wall instead of funding new portions, he could negotiate Congress with a margin of maneuver.

A tweet from Trump on Thursday seemed to offer hope for such a result.

"Large sections of WALL have already been built, and many more are under construction or ready for operation The renovation of the existing walls is also a very large part of the plan to finally secure, after several decades, our border. wall is being done in one way or another! "he tweeted.

But another missive seemed to send the opposite message.

"Let's simply call them MURS from now on and stop playing political games! A WALL is a WALL!"

The Trump interview in the Times seemed to give a fresh boost to the optimism that a creative linguistic medium could be traced from the confrontation.

Keeping the base happy

  The chances of Donald Trump's declaration a national emergency situation at the border has just increased

The evidence of the closure, which ended when Trump folded his cards a week ago, suggests building a wall would be a political loser for the president.

Polls show that a majority of Americans oppose the wall and that most people also oppose the planned closure in an attempt to force the Democrats to fund it. And some Republicans also blame Trump's radical immigration speech for contributing to the loss of seats in the more subdued suburbs, which allowed the Democrats to run in the House in mid-election elections. -mandate.

But, as always, the president is more concerned about the exchanges

The power of the wall as an image vis-à-vis Trump's supporters is perhaps one of the reasons why the president – stop saying – as he did on Thursday – that he is already building although there is no proof that is the case.

But Trump can not take the risk of embarking on his re-election campaign for 2020 without keeping his promises of immigration to his most dedicated supporters.

"This is not a problem for him in 2020, so as long as the Republican party base is committed to ensuring border security," said Ford O. Connell, Republican political strategist.

"It is important to understand this question no matter how independent of the parties, they feel that it is the last hope of mastering illegal immigration," said O Connell, professor Assistant to the George Washington Graduate School of Political Management. [19659002] This equation is why the best policy solution for the president might be to adopt a national emergency declaration or other executive action to reposition public funds intended for the president. building the wall.

Trump explained on Thursday why many political observers view the wall as an almost existential problem.

"I was elected partially on this issue, not as much as people say, but partially on this issue.This is a very important issue," Trump said.

Nevertheless, the use of executive power could bring its share of practical problems.

A long legal battle could slow down Trump's plan to proceed quickly with the construction of a wall. Another problem with such an approach is that there is little money to spend on the wall, which is well below the multibillion dollar price for the project.

But as the stalemate on the wall is a much bigger political problem for Trump a practical action, taking action from the executive might actually be a preferable solution.

This would also free him from the need to offer the Democrats something important to them in order to make them move on the wall. example of permanent protection for undocumented immigrants brought to the United States while they were children would invoke "amnesty" appeals from conservative commentators who proved to have a considerable influence on Trump.

"National emergency solves a problem Mr. O. Connell said the Democrats were making a wide offer

Democrats unveiled their opening offer at the talks Wednesday includes funds for 1,000 customs officers, funds for the repair of entry points at the border, funds for the acquisition of new technologies and new equipment, as well as tools for Imaging does not contain money for the wall. It does not even include money for fencing or repairs to existing fencing. 19659002] The importance of the wall as a political symbol for both parties is also an effective short circuit of congressional mechanisms that normally put an end to such confrontations.

Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt explained how things should work.

"Do our job means, by definition, no one can get everything he wants, "said Blunt Wednesday. "We have to be sure that we look at it as the end result, we need to find a way to make it work, I think we can do it."

Democrat Senator Dick Durbin also said that a conference committee could come up with a result that both parties could accept, although Mr. Trump occupies an important place.

"The President may be disappointed if we do not give him everything he's asked for, but if this credit committee did, it would be a first in history." Durbin has said.

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