Two heads and one body: in Yemen were born unique Siamese twins – the world


Physicians are asked to bring twins closer to high quality medicine.

Siamese twins-dicephes were born in Yemen. They have a body, but two heads. That's what the Daily Mail reports

. Children were born in the country's capital in January. The Abdul-Khalid and Abdul-Rahim twins spent the first days of their lives in an incubator in an intensive care unit. Doctors predict that only one of them will be able to survive and ask them to take them abroad, where they will be able to provide more qualified medical assistance.

Akram Ali Ahmed, 20-year-old twin father, does not want children to be separated. According to him, he does not want the death of one of them for the sake of another. "I want both of them to live in the same body, I do not care what Allah has given me," said the father.

A doctor from the pediatric department of the hospital, Dr. Fayzal al-Babli, said that he had never encountered such an abnormality before. "For Yemen, it is a unique case: two children of one body with two heads, two hearts, two lungs, two stomachs and two crests, they have a body and limbs common ", he said.

He noted that the twins are now in stable condition, they sometimes have artificial respiration. The doctor will ask the government for funds for the treatment of twins and the resettlement of their family abroad.

It is worth pointing out that there is a military conflict in Yemen, because of the shortage of drugs in hospitals.

We remind you that in 2019, the way the Siamese twins saw each other during the operation appeared. [19659011] Video Successfully separated Siamese twins can not live separately

The Nima and Dava girls aged one and a half are now recovering from the operation. The girls were joined in the trunk area and had a common liver. However, even after the operation, the babies protested against individual beds by swaying and intertwining their legs.

  Well-separated Siamese twins can not live alone

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