UFC News – Habib Nurmagomedov made an unexpected statement about Conor McGregor


Habib Nurmagomedov, champion of the Absolute Boxing Championship (UFC), hinted that he would be able to communicate with Conor McGregor normally.

A Dagestan fighter has repeatedly shown hatred to an opponent who, after his victory, organized a massive fight with members of the Irish team on October 6th. "Who should we not forgive people, if the Almighty forgive us?" It often happens that disagreeing people come into the world. "At the moment, I can say that it's hard to say anything." to come to such a thing.In the future anything can happen.I am not the man who holds the image, "Habib told The Match TV.

  Conor McGregor and Habib Nurmagomedov

Conor McGregor and Habib Nurmagomedov

After OBOZREVATEL, Habib Nurmagomedov was suspended Fight for nine months for a fight after a fight with Conor McGregor. In addition, Russian has been fined a half million dollars.

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