Ukraine has become the leader in the number of patients with measles


Today, 9:51 pm


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More than 70 people died of the cortex in 2018

According to the World Health Organization's report, l & # 39; Ukraine ranks first among the countries of the European Union. region in terms of the number of measles patients according to the results of 2018.

This is reported by the air force.

The total number of measles patients in Ukraine is higher than in the other countries of the European region taken together.

In Ukraine, more than 53,000 patients and just over 34,000 other countries in the region.

Ten European countries with the highest number of measles patients in 2018:

Ukraine – 53 218 people

Serbia – 5076 people

Israel – 2919 people

France – 2913 people [19659010] Italy – 2517 people

Russia – 2256 people

Georgia – 2203 people

Greece – 2193 people

Albania – 1466 people

Romania – 1087 people

In Europe, in 2018, 72 man, 16 of whom are in Ukraine.

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