Ukraine has expressed its position on the situation in Venezuela – news of politics


In Ukraine, Juan Guadio is recognized as the head of the only organ of the Venezuelan government democratically elected – the National Assembly.

  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the situation in Venezuela / photo of UNIAN

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the situation in Venezuela / UNIAN photo

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is calling the leaders of Venezuela's political forces to hold democratic elections and to prevent the decision the political crisis by force.

This is the UNIA Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Katerina Zelenko, reported.

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"Ukraine recognizes Juan Guaido at the head of Venezuela's only democratically elected government – the National Assembly As well as the leader of the democratic opposition, he and other leaders of the Venezuelan political forces will rely on the return to democratic governance in the country, including agreements on Democratic elections and under international supervision, "said Zelenko.

"Ukraine urges all efforts to prevent violent methods of resolving the political conflict – a crisis and, therefore, a means of counteracting the economic catastrophe that is already causing humanitarian problems and suffering for the Venezuelan people, "said the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

IAAN, January 10, Nicholas Maduro was re-elected for a second term by the United States and Latin America. He has been described as a usurper of power who has led the country to a humanitarian crisis.

On January 21, a group of armed forces in the country's capital, Caracas, demanded the resignation of the president. Authorities urged citizens of the country to join the protest

On 23 January, opposition leader Guaido declared himself head of state. Maduro called it a coup organized by Washington and announced the breakup of diplomatic relations with the United States. He stated that he had no plans to leave the Venezuelan post before the expiry of his term in 2025.

On January 26, the secretary of US state Mike Pompeo said China and Russia were supporting the Maduro regime in Venezuela with the intention of restoring billions of dollars invested under his regime.

On January 31, the European Parliament recognized Mr. Guadino as the legitimate acting president of Venezuela. In addition, Huaido is recognized as the legitimate president of Venezuela by the United States, Canada and the Latin American countries.

Today, February 4, the French President, the Heads of Government of Spain and Austria, the Foreign Ministers of Great Britain, Denmark and Latvia have declared that Guaido was a temporary performer. President of Venezuela.

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