Ukraine has set the position on Guaido – news about UNN


KYIV. February 4th UNN. Ukraine recognizes Juan Guadio as the sole Venezuelan-elected government leader democratically elected – the National Assembly – as well as the leader of the democratic opposition. UNN .

"Ukraine admits to Juan Guadio the presidency of Venezuela's only elected democratically elected government, the National Assembly and the leader of democracy, which is why he and other leaders of political forces Venezuelans will build on the restoration of democratic governance in the country, particularly by concluding agreements on the holding of democratic and internationally monitored elections, "said Yad.

Thus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that Ukraine called for doing everything possible to prevent the violent methods of resolving the political crisis and, therefore, to counteract the economic disaster that is already causing humanitarian problems and suffering for the Venezuelan people.

How has UNN reported so far, a number of EU countries have recognized Juan Guadio as interim president of Venezuela.

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