Ukraine News – Ukraine leads Russia's ranking in corruption: interesting data


Ukraine has slightly improved its position in the 2018 Corruption Perception Index.

Truthfully, information on the data was published on Transparency's website International

Since 2017, our country has been able to improve scores only by 2 points – in 2018, Ukraine ranked 120th out of 180 countries (32 points). Worse than in the Russian Federation – 138th place and 28 points

Our neighbors show much better results: Poland – 60, Slovakia – 50, Romania – 47, Hungary – 46, Belarus – 44, Moldova – 33 points [19659003] According to the executive director of Transparency International Ukraine, Andriy Borovik, if Ukraine continues to work at such a pace, the development of the fight against corruption will take more than a decade, for example in Poland: [19659003] bark. Tion "

 The Ukraine bypassed Russia in the ranking of

Reminder, the international rating agency Moody has raised the sovereign rating of Ukraine from Caa2 to Caa1.

Ukraine has managed to make a leap forward in the Index "Human Rights Index of 2018" and in front of Russia.

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