Ukrainians do not buy sausages: Poroshenko tells the death of Putin – News about UNN


KYIV. February 4th UNN. Russian President Vladimir Putin crashed when he attacked Ukraine, hoping to scare the Ukrainian people. The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, said on the airwaves of one of the TV channels, reported the correspondent UNN .

"The European Union is a standard of living regarding people's standard of living.View where people live best: in the sphere of influence of Russia – the former Russian empire or EU members, and you will see that the standard of living is increasing at a faster pace, "said Poroshenko.

According to him, democracy and the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms are developing.

"I am proud that Ukraine is probably the only one in the last five years.A country of the post-Soviet space, besides the Baltic countries, has preserved democracy, the freedom of Expression, freedom of assembly, fair and transparent elections, and we must take this into account carefully, "said the head of state.

He pointed out that a Ukrainian can not be happy if he is not free.

"Ukrainians will not only buy sausages." This dates back to the Cossack era. </ P> <p> That's why Putin was counted when he attacked Ukraine, in the hope to scare us.The whole country has risen.The whole people And for 5 years, they understood that it was a mistake.Therefore, we will certainly win, " added the president.

As reported UNN Putin said that there was no war between Russia and Ukraine.

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