"Unforgivable!": Trump slug Northam against a racist photo


President Donald Trump has named Virginia Governor Ralph Northam "unforgivable" Saturday as a result of a controversy over a racist photograph taken from the faculty's yearbook. medicine of the democrat.

After admitting to appearing in the picture, this one showed a black-faced Northam man demoted at a press conference, claiming that he was in fact not on the picture.

Trump then called Northam on Twitter, writing that the overthrow had occurred "24 hours after being apologized for his appearance in the photo", also criticized his recent remarks on his state's bill to lift restrictions on abortion.

To back up his critics, Trump added that Northam's Republican Republican challenger, Ed Gillespie, had lost any chance of being able to use the photo.

In his remarks to reporters Saturday, Northam said that while he was not in the picture of 1984, he wore waxing on his face while he imitated Michael Jackson for a contest of da

Calls from both sides of the aisle have multiplied across the country for Northam's resignation, although he has already done so. far refused, promising to fulfill his term, which runs until 2021.

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